make money from instagram

10 useful Tips for how to make money on instagram

  In this article we talk about how to make money on Instagram. If you have an Instagram, chances are that you're more than a little bit jealous that other people have access to your feed. I've been using Instagram for years, and in recent months it has become a very popular platform for earn money. I think it's because people love taking pictures of themselves and selling them for money. Many people asked me or find answers from forums about " does Instagram pay money" , "Tips for Instagram cash" or "how to earn from Instagram post". In this post we talk about "what are the best ways to make money on Instagram?". 

  1. Promote products or be an affiliate marketer
  2. Sell your photography
  3. Be an entrepreneur sell your own products through Instagram
  4. Trained other Instagramers
  5. Sponsored post
  6. Handle other Instagramers page
  7. Sell your service
  8. Set an Instagram Store
  9. Make Instagram stories
  10. Be a captionist

Promote products or be an affiliate marketer

In the past, I've written about how I've been able to make money online through affiliate marketing. However, there are a couple of things that you need to know and be aware of befor e getting started. I went over the basics of affiliate marketing (getting traffic, prices, etc) and also explained how I had earned money for years via this method. However, you can also do all of this yourself if you take the time to learn how to become an affiliate marketing master.

Simply affiliate marketing is the process of selling companies products or services through your advertisements. You can get a commission for that. In Instagram there are plenty of companies are looking for marketing their products and services. The only thing is that you have an active account and huge followers.

Best affiliate programs

Amazon's Affiliate Program: A popular option that pays out a 10% commission.




eBay partner network

Sell your photography

make money from instagram by sell your photos

I’ve been creating a portfolio of my work for about a year now. The idea behind it is so clear: I want to earn money from my photography, and making a portfolio of my work will help me do that. But the question becomes, what should I include in my portfolio? Here are some of the points I've come up with:

  Set beautiful profile in Instagram. Upload quality photos taken from digital camera or mobile. if you are interested in editing make some editing in photos. In Instagram or web a lot of companies or individuals having need photos for their projects. If your photos are capable for meeting their requirements they directly buy from you. You can also check 20 best place to sell photos online.

Be an entrepreneur sell your own products through Instagram

Nowadays, Instagram is the most popular platform among social medias. if you are an entrepreneur sell your own products through instagram business accounts. Add beautiful products image or videos that customers attract. if there any customer interested in your products they can lead by using your contact number or your instagram bio link. Using by Instagram business account you can manage traffic and statistics through instagram analytics.

Trained other Instagramers

In Instagram, many of the people doesn't know how to market their brands better. If you are an influencer (that means a person or thing that influences another) to others, training for other instagramers is the best way to earn cash from Instagram. Your better training leads good earnings for trained customers and also get good engagement rate.

Sponsored post

Many of them using social medias as a photo-sharing platform. Using wisely, instagram account can make good income from that. If there is much number of followers, you can post sponsored post content through your instagram account. There is plenty of companies required for advertisement on social media platforms. They will pay you for sharing their post on your account. 

Handle other Instagramers page

Instagram is a great platform for advertising and marketing. It's also a very powerful tool for your business. In todays life they are all busy with their work. So they will need an instagram marketing expert or good instagram creators to handle their instagram page. it will also help to make money from instagram. Handling means not only the post creation but also to generate good traffic from that.

Sell your service

One of the best ways to make money on Instagram is by sell your service. This will help you get paid for your work and profit from other people’s work. You might think it’s impossible, but with a little bit of effort you can get started. If you are an expert in something. offer it!. Some of the services that can provide through are listed below.

  1. Photo Editing
  2. Content Creations
  3. Video editing
  4. Educate

Make an advertisement for your service and share it through social medias. 

Set an Instagram Store

Instagram Shopping is a set of features that allow people to easily shop your brand's photos and videos all across Instagram. This service is providing through instagram business account. The steps to follow to set up an Instagram store. 

Confirm eligibility
Convert to a business account
Connect your Facebook Page
Upload a product catalogue
Complete account review
Turn on Shopping
Make content actionable

That's it. Using instagram store to sell your products through instagram. Remember Instagram is one of the topmost users engaging platform. use wisely and make profit from that.

Make Instagram stories

I've been following instagram for a while and I have noticed that it has become a very popular platform for businesses to promote their products. There are several ways that you can make money on instagram. But the useful trick is that make Instagram stories.

Stories are a quick, easy way to share moments and experiences. Use text, music, stickers and GIFs to bring your story to life. The stories have been pinned 24 Hrs for followers wall and these leads to create a brand identity on their minds. 

Be a Captionist

"You are good in making captions" there are lots of guys are failed to find good captions for their post. Search and find the Instagram accounts that failed on making good captions. Make an offer with there. You are success in making captions and it leads to more business. They will definitely paid for you.

The all things depends on instagram post. The better chance to make business, the post must be unique and attractive. Here are some tips to improve your content

Important tips for designing Instagram post

Using Fonts

Text font is one thing that plays important roles in poster. Better typography results more attraction on posters. I recommend to use san-serif fonts.

Using colors

You have to follow a color scheme for you post. Using more colors results looks ugly posters.

Poster size

poster recommended size must be square. That is 1080px by 1080px or 1080px by 1350px.


Better text content and quality image results better poster. Recommended text not exceeding 20% and use quality images.

We hope this article will help you and get idea about "how to make money from instagram". In Instagram, they didn't directly paying you as compared to YouTube channel. But you can use instagram as a money making tool.


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